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Cosi166B PlantClinique App

Eric Rosenheim (, Osamah Mandawi (, Roman Nguyen (, Prabu Gugagantha (

Our Users and their Functionality Options

Our users have many different abilities through our app. We will explain more about the technology and elaborate on specific feature abilities so let this summary be a preamble for what is to come. All of our pages have a navbar and footer which react to changes in the width of our app. Our users have an account page with an avatar supported by gravatar and a box that shows them how many plants they own and their different notifications. You can also ask a question to the forum from here, add a plant, edit your user information, and work with your reminders. Below this page are the plants you have with a picture, their name, age, type, birthday, and a description. Our posts page is the forum where you can ask questions based on a tag, and these are sortable. Our chatbot allows you to go through a system assessment quiz while also maintaining a history of your questions in a different looking chatbot. We have a map where you can search your location and nearby plant stores will come up. Our notification page will let you know if anyone responded to your forum posts while your reminders lets you set times to be emailed about plants.

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